Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sheryabys Lament (Exerpt from a future book i hope to write)

Sheryabys Lament

The one i loved truly: Aerithia has been taken by darkness the evil has consumed her and made her the enemy of my race Salantiara must....and will pay he has lived too long and has gotten away with his deeds for...........so very long i leave this note to inform you father and mother, of the torment i suffer now that she has been taken by the shadow that i once knew as my God she meant so much to me she made me laugh and cry she was the perfect one and on our 6th and what i never thought would be last..Date he took her and made her try to kill me do you remember what i said that day "My life.....Is filled with horror one day after the other he is there somewhere in the shadows taunting me and filling me with dispair and now this........THIS IS WAY TOO FAR!" me in my blood-stained clothing and armour almost had to kill the one i love...so very much i hope you are reading this Father for i am going away.....Far away.....for a very long meditation after school today i shall be gone until i see my sorrow out the door of my head.

Yours Mournfully

Sheryaby Sojajin

P.S If anyone dies at school today....You know why!